An open letter to the Minister of Education related to High School Students Cheating Unas.

Indonesia ~
His name Nurmillaty Abadiah, Arek this Suroboyo SMA Khadijah Surabaya school in grade 3 who had just finished Unas. On 18 April 2014 and then through her Facebook account she made a neat writing in the form of an open letter addressed to the Minister of Education and Culture Mohammad Nuh. The open letter which is its steam during the Unas is very touching. Vent, steam as well as his personal experiences during the unas is written with a coherent and slick, intelligence indicates a Nurmillaty still high school. 

 The author himself might be the age that much has not been able to write as good as it hehehehe ... Now also wrote still covered (even vent itself: D) In ​​addition to writing a good, open letter to the Education Minister also really very brave and a bit 'naughty'. How dare not and 'naughty' when Nurmillaty challenged Education Minister to do the questions unas which, according to the Education Minister are of international standard. I challenge Dad to sit down and work on the problems of Mathematics that we can at UNAS yesterday for two hours without seeing a book or the Internet. If Father could answer correctly fifty percent, I admit inappropriate Mr. Minister. If Mr. quibble 'ah, this is not my area', then Mr. deem us what this is? What Mr guess we all have children OSN? What Mr guess we're all smart in Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Indonesian, and English as well? How could Dad told us to pass on all these fronts? It sepercaya Is that Dad on our intelligence? Kekeranian Nurmillaty not only that, he dared to criticize the all-out implementation of Unas chaotic and leaky here that there is leaking. 

 Nurmillaty even has its own terms regarding the leakage of Unas, which according to the hooded woman must be a game insiders. With the many variations make matter even the increasingly high price jawabah key hehehehe .... Even with 20 packets matter, jockey-jockey was apparently still able to predict problems and answers. Increasing the number of packets it just makes them more rate rises. To my knowledge, they could even include the first sentence to four tententu numbers in each package so that the students can find out which of their packages. Well, how come? Yes somehow.

 Do not get there, the answer they give can penetrate up to over ninety percent. Well, how come? Yes again, either. As I say, if it were up to ninety percent accurate so not leaking again his name, but a flash flood. When the jockey was able to include questions, not just answers, it is a divine mystery if the government is still able to swear no messing around on the inside. Besides curhatan and criticism, even the teenage girl is brave little advise the Education Minister, it is said: In the end, Sir, allow me to say, that what has been done so far about Mr. UNAS it just makes cheating more widespread. Father and other adults often say that we are teenagers who still unstable. Still in the process of self. Often acting not know themselves, violate norms, and do mischief.

 But you know, when our parents as the father should give us directions to a good road, what you were doing with UNAS for three days instead directing us to the identity of the bad. The difficulty level has not been communicated to the student, the jockey who was never investigated until complete location of the leak, the package is not yet clear about the equality weight, it actually directs us, the students, to take a shortcut. School was pressed by one hundred percent pass the target, so that they are silent face of the phenomenon rather than opposed. Educators silent when they should have to shout loudly against falsehood. If necessary, all intertwine agreement with another school who happened to be the supervisor, so that their students are not complicated. 

 Kompasiana readers certainly curious how the complete letter from our brother intelligent and brave. If still curious can look at the full version directly in faceboknya. This is the conscience of a student who was upset and depressed during the Unas. Maybe students now are smart so they can see the reality in society. The government is not able to cover up kebobrokannya. If indeed the test was leaked, said just leak should not be covered up. Actually it is not common knowledge also that each year the results unas is the result Abal Abal and unquestionable to sahihannya. May open letter and criticism of Nurmillaty sister is a bit much to 'slap' Minister of Education so that it can evaluate more carefully the implementation of Unas. And I prayed hopefully Nurmillaty sister Unas could pass this time with good value and can move on to the next level in accordance with the ideals that craves. Amen
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