Vocational high school profile information technology Tambakberas Jombang East Java


With Praise to Allah SWT for all the gifts and favors bestowed upon us, it has been arranged profile Vocational High School of Information and Communication Technology (SMK-TI) An-Najiyah Bahr Uloom Tambakberas Jombang based on recent data.Vocational High School Information and Communication Technology (SMK-TI) An-Najiyah Bahr Uloom Tambakberas Jombang, as one of the Institute of Vocational Education, who scored Human Resources Information and Communication Technology, continuously trying to improve existing resources, both human resources, facilities and infrastructure, hoping to print HR Information Technology and Communication quality in accordance with the needs and demands of society in this era of globalization.The profile that we put together a picture of the existence of Vocational High School Information and Communication Technology (SMK-TI) An-Najiyah Bahr Uloom Tambakberas Jombang which has stood since February 20, 2004, based on Recommendation number 421.5 / 338 / 415.30 / 2004, dated 19 in February 2004, which was then extended by the letter of recommendation number 421.5 / 016 / 415.30 / 2006, dated November 8, 2006 on Operating Licence for Private School, the School Statistics Number:
A BRIEF HISTORYSMK TI An Najiyah Bahr Uloom is located in the hamlet Tambakberas, Tambakrejo Village, District Jombang, Jombang, East Java Province, precise ± 3 km north of the town of Jombang, occupies a land area of ​​± 3,500 m², with socio-religious culture of agriculture. Under the auspices of the Foundation Boarding An-Najiyah Bahr Uloom is ribath (sub / boarding) from Pondok Pesantren Bahr 'Ulum Jombang Tambakberas, founded by KH. Drs. Amanulloh AR which is the fifth generation of the founders cottage pesanten Bahr Uloom. Yayasan Pondok Pesantren An-Najiyah established on July 24, 2000, in accordance with the Deed of Establishment Foundation No. 56/2000. The purpose of the establishment of vocational IT-Najiyah An Bahr Uloom is:1. Assisting government programs in education2. Build a complete Indonesian man, both material and spiritual3. Instill, live, and develop Islamic teachings' Ala Madzhabi Ahlussunah Wal Jama'ah4. Establish a cautious individual Muslim to Allah SWT, berakhlakul karimah, knowledgeable and skilled, personable and useful for the nation and the state religion5. Help children's education Fuqoro / Poor performers for the future of the nation
VISIONRealization of SMK-TI-Najiyah An Bahr Uloom as Institutions of the environment of schools that can give birth to human resources professionals and berakhlakul karimah.MISSIONSetting up Information and Communication Technology Human Resources professional, is able to play a role in the development of the field of technology and able to be preachers in their fields whose impact is felt as a mercy to the universe.
On July 10, 2004 An SMK-TI-Najiyah Bahr Uloom officially begin implementation of Teaching and Learning Activities (RTC) using the initial half of the 2004 edition vocational curriculum.Learning activities
With the vision of "Printing man ber-" IMTAQ "to Allah SWT, develop and spread Islam Ala Madzhabi Ahlussunah Wal Jama'ah and ber-" Science "for the benefit of the people", is expected SMK-TI-Najiyah An Bahr Uloom may play a role and to produce graduates with the advantages:- Mastering the science of Information and Communication Technology (especially Software Engineering and Multimedia) and science and technology in a professional manner on the basis of moral and Islamic law.- Proficient in Arabic and English.- Having the knowledge and attitude of a Muslim who berakhlaqul karimah.To support the success of the vision and mission, vocational-TI-Najiyah An Bahr Uloom provides facilities such as:1. Land and buildings belonging itself consists of two floors and is located within the Bahr Ulum boarding school Tambakberas2. Software Engineering Laboratory and Multimedia with complete facilities.3. library with reference books are adequate.4. Special Dormitory Building SMK-IT.5. Vehicle Operations.6. Honesty Canteen SMK-IT
JIE 7.CV.ANA TECHPSGIn accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 323 / U / 1997 on the organization of the education system gandapada vocational high schools, vocational-TI An-Najiyah Bahr Ulum in collaboration with industry / professional associations as institutions companion (IP), from the planning phase, implementation and evaluation stage and which is an integral certification program by using a variety of alternative forms of execution, such as day release, block release, etc. The duration of training in the industry carried out for 4 months on the domestic industry. Education pattern is applied in order to bring the quality of graduates with skills demanded by the industry / business.

Multimedia (MM)OperatorPreparing graphics peripherals -Mengoperasikan pre Ignition graphics peripherals
Turning on and setting up the use of graphics peripherals
Operate graphics peripherals
Deadly periferan and observing the deactivation process to finishPropagates data entry (graphic) using an image scanner (level-1)
Understand the operating procedures image scanner
Preparing the application image scanner, image scanner and the image to be scanned
Scanning the object to be input graphical applications
Check the results of the data entry
Store results data entry-Mengoperasikan Vector image processing software (digital illustration)
Setting up a digital illustration software
Recognize menu, create, open and save the image file
Do the lay-out and simple editing
Print image file-Mengoperasikan Software raster image processor (digital imaging)
Preparing digital imaging software
Create a new object with handwriting (free hand)
Apply visual effects on the object image
Creating animations-Mengoperasikan Peripheral web
Preparing pre-ignition peripheral web
Turning on and setting up peripherals use web
Operate peripheral web
Turning off peripherals and observe the process of de-activation to finishPropagates data entry (web) by using an image scanner (level-2)
Understand the operating procedures image scanner
Preparing the application image scanner, image scanner and the image to be scanned
Scanning the object to be a web application input
Manipulating images
Check the results of the data entry
Store results data entry
Fill in the data entry check list-Mengoperasikan Web design software
Preparing web design software
Doing creation of web pages with HTML
Doing creation of web pages with web design software-Mengoperasikan 2D animation software (2D)
Preparing 2D animation software
Recognize menu, create, open and save files 2-dimensional animation
Doing manufacture two-dimensional animation
Encounters 2D animation into a multimediaFTP software -Mengoperasikan
Preparing FTP software
Recognize menu / option, FTP site address format and simple configuration
Send and retrieve files by sharing parametersMultimedia operator Madya-Mengoperasikan Multimedia peripherals
Preparing pre-ignition multimedia peripherals
Turning on and setting up the use of multimedia peripherals
Operate multimedia peripherals
Turning off peripherals and observe the process of de-activation to finishPropagates data entry (multimedia) using an image scanner (level-2)
Understand the operating procedures image scanner
Preparing the application image scanner, image scanner and the image to be scanned
Scanning the object ytang input into multimedia applications
Manipulating images
Check the results of the data entry
Store results data entry
Fill in the data entry check list-Mengoperasikan Multimedia software
Prepare multimedia software
Menganali menus and interfaces as well as create, open and save multimedia files
Conducting interactive multimedia page creation
Finalize (packaging) the results of the development of multimedia-Mengoperaskan Presentation software
Preparing presentation software
Applying the features notes, hyperlinks, animations and transitions
Organizing the presentation file suit specific needs
Integrating presentation files with other objects such as spreadsheets, charts, and other objects- Operate peripherals 3D animation
Preparing pre-ignition peripherals 3D animation
Turning on and setting up peripherals use 3D animation
Operate peripherals 3D animation
Turning off peripherals and observe the process of de-activation to finish-Mengoperasikan Basic 3D animation software (level-1)
Prepare basic 3D animation software
Recognize menus and interfaces as well as create, open and save files in 3D animation
Perform basic 3D animation creation
Mengintegraksikan 3D animation into a multimedia-Mengoperasikan 3D animation software models (level-2)
Preparing a 3D model animation software
Recognize menus and interfaces as well as create, open and save files in 3D animation
Doing making animation exterior architecture, interior architecture, interior and geomorphology 3D
Mengintegraksikan 3D animation into a multimediaThese superior multimedia-Mengoperasikan Peripherals voice recording
Preparing pre-ignition peripherals voice recording
Turning on and setting up peripherals use voice recording
Peripherals operate voice recording
Turning off peripherals and observing the deactivation process to finish-Mengoperasikan Peripheral image recording
Preparing pre-ignition peripheral image recording
Turning on and setting up peripherals use image recording
Operate peripheral recording images
Turning off peripherals and observing the deactivation process to finish-Mengoperasikan Digital audio software
Preparing digital audio software
Recognize the menu and work area as well as create, open and save the audio file
Editing audio
Integrate audio into multimedia-Mengoperaasikan Digital video software
Preparing digital video software
Recognize the menu and work area as well as create, open and save the video file
Editing video
Integrating video into multimedia-Mengoperasikan Visual effects software
Prepare visual effects software
Recognize the menu and work area as well as create, open and save files visual effects
Doing visual effects creation
Integrating multimedia into the visual effects.
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