Better transport infrastructure for more efficient Romania

We visited today together with Minister John Russian, highway construction site Sebes - Turda, an infrastructure project is a good example of what can and should make Romania with European funds.

I enjoyed today to return to Cluj, in the heart of Transylvania, from where I have so many memories. When complete, the highway Sebes - Turda will lead to a reduction in travel times for passenger and goods between Sebes and Turda about 30 minutes. In addition, safety and security standards of the new infrastructure will lead to a significant decrease in the rate of road accidents.

"Highway Sebes - Turda is a crucial step towards the completion of part of the network Romanian EU's main corridors, the so-called TEN-T network. With every kilometer of highway or road built European, Romanian economy gets new momentum." 

Support for infrastructure investment is one of the priorities of the European Commission. For the new programming period, the major transport projects will be financed by the European Union in the context of the Operational Programme for large infrastructure.It is the largest operational program in Romania, worth nearly 9.5 billion euros from the Cohesion Fund and European Regional Development Fund, and cover a complete range of priorities: transportation, environment, risk management, energy.General Romanian Transport MasterplanDuring the visit, I wanted to express my appreciation for the significant progress made towards the completion of the Ministry of Transport General Transport Master Plan of Romania.The European Commission is very interested in the Master Plan, as it is a strategic document and is a prerequisite to access EU funds for large-scale projects in transport in 2014-2020.My services will continue to work closely with the Ministry of Transport in the final stages of this exercise. It is also very important for the debate to continue this strategic document is supported politically by its adoption by Parliament.

"I trust that Romania is on track and I'm glad I could contribute in the position that we in Brussels on the future of Romania's best!"
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