Hell peek at the Indonesian Special Forces Training

Army Special Forces, or Kopassus is known as one of the best special forces in the world. Can not arbitrarily to obtain a red beret and a brevet command of the corps pride. The soldiers had to pass special training that barely passed the limits of human ability.

The first stage that must be passed is the base phase, namely the centralization of training in Special Training Education Center, Batujajar, Bandung. Here the candidates commandos trained in basic skills such as shooting, techniques and combat tactics, operations raid, seizing fast, attack commando unit, land navigation and a variety of other skills.

Completed training base, followed by Mount Forest Stage held in Citatah, Bandung. Here the candidates commando training to become climbers assault, tracking, anti-tracking, survival in the jungle.

In Survival Training commando candidates should be able to live in the woods with natural food available in the forest. With this exercise the Command Soldiers must be able to distinguish poisonous plants and edible, and are also able to hunt wild animals for survival.

Mountain forest training phase ended with a long march from Situ Lembang to Cilacap to carry ammunition, mine launchers, weapons and personal equipment.

Former Army Chief of Staff Gen. (ret) Pramono Edhie Wibowo public with his experiences while training Special Forces Command. Pramono write in the book Pramono Edhie Wibowo Indonesia and Blueprint for the Future, published QailQita Publishing in 2014.

Hell peek in Cilacap
Exercise heaviest already waiting to get in Cilacap. This is the third phase of the exercise, called exercise Swamp Stage Sea, candidate berinfliltrasi commandos through sea swamp.

Exercise material here includes Sea navigation, sea survival, escape, Pool poncho and landing using rubber boats. The candidate must be able to command soldiers swam across the strait from Cilacap to reclaiming.

"Exercise is an exercise in reclaiming the final stage, therefore, there was a call as hell week or a week of hell. The most severe, training materials 'escape' and 'concentration camp', "said Pramono.

In practice it is the candidates commandos removed the morning without the provision of, and no later than 10 pm should have reached a certain point. during the "escape" the candidates should avoid all kinds of natural obstacles and shots from enemy pursuit.

In the escape, if students get caught then it means hell for him because he will be interrogated like a war. The coach who acts as an enemy would hurt the poor soldiers to get information.

In such conditions, the soldier must be able to overcome suffering, may not divulge information that he had. For students who do not get caught does not mean they escaped from hell. In the end, they had to return to the camp to undergo the ordeal.

For three days the students undergoing training at the prison camp. in this concentration camp all students will undergo physical torture that is almost close to human endurance.

"In the Geneva Convention, prisoners of war are prohibited from being tortured, but the candidates Command soldiers were trained to face the worst thing in the theater of operations. So that if one day a commando in the inhumane treatment by enemies who violate the Geneva Convention, they are ready to face it, "wrote Pramono Edhie.

Beratnya persyaratan untuk menjadi prajurit kopassus dapat dilihat dari standar calon untuk bisa mengikuti pelatihan. nilai standar fisik untuk prajurit nonkomando adalah 61, namun harus mengikuti tes prajurit komando, nilainya minimal harus 70. Begitu juga kemampuan menembak dan berenang nonstop sejauh 2000 meter.
“Hanya mereka yang memiliki mental baja yang mampu melalui pelatihan komando. Peserta yang gagal akan dikembalikan ke kesatuan Awal untuk kembali bertugas sebagai Prajurit biasa,” tutup mantan Danjen Kopassus ini.(KabarDunia.co.id)
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