History of martial arts white doves

the historical origins of white dovesMerpati Putih (MP) is one of the martial arts college martial Empty Hand (PPS Betako) and is one of the cultural assets of the nation, began to form the flow of martial art is in about the 1550s and needs to be preserved and developed in harmony with the development and progress of science knowledge and technology today. The current MP is a member of the Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (IPSI) and Martial Arts Federation For World Peace (MAFWP) and the Inter-Nation Alliance Pencak Silat or PERSILAT (International Pencak Silat Federation).Mersudi Patitising Follow Pusakane Titising silence which in Indonesian means "Looking up to receive the Truth with tranquility" so expect a Member of Merpati Putih will align your heart and mind in all his actions. In addition PPS Betako Merpati Putih has a motto: "Sumbangsihku worthless, but the real Keikhlasanku".White Dove (MP) is an ancestral cultural heritage of Indonesia which was originally a palace whose family science passed down through generations and ultimately on the will of the Master of science Merpati Putih allowed and distributed with the intent to be cultivated in order to be useful for the country.This stream was originally owned by Sampeyan Dalem Inkang Sinuhun Kanjeng Majesty King Mangkurat ingkang Prince Jumeneng Ing Kartosuro then to BPH Adiwidjojo (Grat I). Then after Grat to three, R. Ay. Djojoredjoso science-derived split according to their own specialty, this martial art has two other siblings. 

 namely Samudro title Crow and Crow Seto. Samudro inherited medicine crow, raven while Seto humanities. And for martial arts passed down to Crow Handoko (Grat IV). Handoko of Crow's finally handed down to the last Filter Mas Mas Mas Budi Poeng and became PPS Betako Merpati Putih. Until now, the two brothers that other seperguruan never known where his knowledge and still sought after today in each region in the country in order to put it back together.At first the martial art Pencak Silat is only specifically taught to Special Forces in each unity of the Armed Forces and Police as well as the Presidential Escort Force (Paspampres).

Established on April 2, 1963 in Yogyakarta, has approximately 85 domestic branches and 4 branches abroad with the amount of cholate (exercise group) as much as 415 units (according to data of 1993) spread throughout the country and currently has a membership of approximately two and a half million people who are still active graduates and around 100 thousand people and spread all over Indonesia.

Master Merpati Putih is Mr. Strain Hadi Purnomo, while the founder of College and professor of science at the same time heir is Purwoto Hadi Purnomo (Mas Poeng) and Budi Santoso Hadi Purnomo (Mas Budi) as Professor of the last of the generation to eleven (Grat XI).PPS Betako Merpati Putih derived from martial arts palace. Including the Prince Diponegoro.

Here Lineage derivatives PPS flow Betako Merpati Putih:BPH ADIWIDJOJO: Grat-IPH Singosari: Grat-IIR Ay DJOJOREDJOSO: Grat-IIICORMORANT HANDOKO: Grat-IVRM Rekso WIDJOJO: Grat-VR Bongso Djojo: Grat-VIDJO Premono: Grat-VIIRM Wongso Djojo: Grat-VIIIChromo MENGGOLO: Grat-IXFilter Hadi Purnomo: Grat-XPOERWOTO Hadi Purnomo and Budi Santoso Hadi Purnomo: Grat-XIThe young heir: Nehemiah Budi Setiawan (son Mas Budi) and the AMOS Priono TRI NUGROHO (son Mas Poeng)The mandate of the Master, a white dove Members must carry out the mandate of the Master are:

Having a sense of honesty and compassionBelieve in yourselfHarmony and harmony in daily appearanceAppreciate and practice the attitudes that lead to devotion to God.In 1995, a member of PPS Betako Merpati Putih South Jakarta branch, Mas Eddie market got an award plaque record of the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) as mendemonstasikan drive the car furthest from Bogor to Jakarta with his eyes closed.

Until 1998 PPS Betako Merpati Putih still only Indonesian citizens only. However, due to interest from abroad are numerous and enthusiastic, MP started to open up to accept members from abroad. Nate and Mike are Zeleznick Zeleznick as the first white man who taught martial arts in 1999 and became coach Merpati Putih First in America to the public. In early October 2000 Mas Mas Budi Pung and formalize the American School of Merpati Putih were first located in Ogden City Mall, Utah. MP is the only Pencak Silat scientifically investigated the issue for the power.

Chairman of Merpati Putih current period is Dr. Ing. Fauzi Bowo (former governor of Jakarta) which is Merpati Putih fighters Special level 2.
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