Saudi Arabia assault Yemen, a new phase Shiite Sunni opponents

World News ~ Unexpectedly anyone, yesterday (25/3) of Saudi Arabia to invade Yemen. Unsparing, State Petro Dollar was deploying 100 fighter jets and 150 thousand infantry who now guard the border between the two countries. This military operation was organized together with 10 other Middle Eastern countries.
Saudi spokesman, Adel al-Jubair, said his country is interested in protecting the legitimate government of Yemen, led by President Abdurabuh Mansour Hadi. The president since the beginning of 2015 was forced away from the capital Sanaa due to rebel attacks from the Houthi tribe bermazhab Shiite Islam.
Russian Times reported on Friday (27/3), the international community condemned the unilateral action Arabia. Russia asked King Salman as the Saudi leader to stop the military operations.
"All violence and military activities in Yemen must be stopped. Each of the warring parties need to seek a peaceful solution," said Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Chinese Foreign Ministry also concerned over the developments in Yemen that since the last two years experienced a civil war.
"China urges all parties to act in accordance with UN Security Council resolution on Yemen, and to resolve disputes through dialogue," said the spokesman of the Ministry of China, Hua Chunying.
CNN military analyst, Rick Francona, believes the invasion of Arabia is a new round of struggle for influence between the two schools of thought in Islam in the Middle East. Saudi known as the self-proclaimed state based on Sunni sect. While the Houthi rebels who de facto control of Yemen now contains Shiite militants.
"Saudi believe Houthi backed by Iran who is also a Shiite majority country," said Francona.
Arabia is also not shy about revealing the reason that military operations. Jubair stated in a press conference Houthi forces received supplies of weapons and funds from "force in the region."
President Mansour Hadi were eliminated, now hiding in the city of Aden. Last week, Houthi militants have been pushed into the region. In less than three days, Saudi finally held a military operation. The countries in the Gulf are also bermazhab Sunni participation, such as Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, to Egypt.
United States reportedly did not want to get involved. CNN sources in the Pentagon said President Barack Obama approved the invasion of Arabia, but will not deploy military forces to participate invade Yemen.
"The US Army can help logistics and supply intelligence information, but the extent of it," said an unnamed military officials this.
Television Aljazeera participated reported an unexpected development in Yemen as a political game between Saudi versus Iran.
In the current political map, a step ahead of Iran in Syria and Yemen. Even the existence of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) has not been able to shake Bechar Syrian President al-Assad who has long supported by Tehran.
Aljazeera said Saudi political analyst increasingly stifling see Iran maneuver past few years. In Bahrain and in the southern province of Arabia, minority Shiite increasingly bold demands autonomy and staged demonstrations. The princes in Riyadh believes Iranian President Hassan Rouhani intervened on the events.
Sunni-Shia had not got along since the era of the Islamic caliphate after the Prophet Muhammad. But only in the modern era was the war that influence manifested itself in a strong race two countries.
Iran-Saudi are not directly adjacent. But since the 1970s, especially when the Islamic Revolution in Iran produce fanatical Shiite government, the cold war in the Middle East heats up.
Adu influence of Iran-Saudi occurred in Kuwait, which led to the Gulf War in the 1990s. Now, the scenario of a two-state war is equally rich oil moving to Yemen. Saudi angry, because the Shiite population in Yemen only 35 percent, but the Iranian intelligence accused managed to provoke them to pry government.
Yemen led by the Shia is a nightmare for Saudi, especially poor countries that is directly adjacent to the Holy Land of Mecca.
Russian Times noted throughout the armed elements in the Middle East now recognizes that war is Iran and Saudi. While Houthi just be a pawn.
The struggle for political influence in the Arabian peninsula is detrimental to the whole world. World oil prices rose yesterday as traders and importers worried Saudi attack could not be ascertained at last. As a result, oil supplies could be disrupted. Brent oil prices rose more than $ 3 per barrel to USD 59.78 per barrel.
On the other hand, civilians were also victims of this high-level political game. Initial attack Saudi fighter jets to the outskirts of the capital Sanaa, killing 13 people, all of them ordinary citizens, not the Houthi militants.
"All parties in Yemen to be held accountable. Military response will not solve the crisis in Yemen," said the head of the EU Foreign Relations Federica Mogherini.
Key to stop the chaos is now entirely in the hands of Iran and Saudi.
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