Recognize the symptoms of appendicitis

World News ~ Appendicitis or commonly known as appendicitis is one disease that requires surgery or surgery as a cure step. The pain that is sometimes lost makes people often underestimate this disease, but the pain that strikes will make those who experience grief very troublesome. So, it is better to know before coming pain symptoms that interfere. What are the causes and symptoms of appendicitis is this?
Patients expressed appendicitis in case of total blockage in the lumen of the appendix. General terms frequently encountered penyumbatnya are grains such as cashew, tomatoes or peppers.

The symptoms of appendicitisIf you experience frequent abdominal pain, abdominal pain try to check whether you are the same as the symptoms of appendicitis following:

Pain in the navel and solar plexus which sometimes comes and sometimes lost.
Furthermore, we will feel the pain on the right side of the abdomen a few hours after the first symptoms. Pain with strong intensity and even accompanied by fever sufferer. Body temperature can reach 39 degrees Celsius and settled.
Pain in the abdomen is also accompanied by nausea and bloating. Nausea can also cause the patient to vomit when the stomach is filled food.

Check appendicitis
To ascertain whether these symptoms are an indication of the appendix, the medical side usually meakukan investigation to ascertain the diagnosis. Investigations usually done with abdominal ultrasound, radiologic examination, and laboratory tests and urine.
On examination of urine, the checks carried out by looking at whether the number of leukocytes or erythrocytes in the appendix to exceed the normal limits or not. Excess amounts of eristrosit and leukocytes may indicate inflammation of the appendix.

An appendectomy
In the case of appendicitis, the healing done by surgery. There are two ways appendix operation that can be performed. The first, called the Conventional Apendiktomi and the second by way Apendiktomi Laparoscopic.
Conventional Apendiktomi can be performed in patients with normal weight. Whereas if patients are overweight or obese, then Apendiktomi Laparoscopic surgery is done.
Implementation of surgery can not be done directly, because there are conditions have improved the condition of the patient's body. Terms of the patient's condition prior to surgery is the patient's body temperature should not exceed 38 degrees Celsius, normal urine discharge is 1-2 ml / kg every hour and pulse rate below 120 beats / min.

Appendicitis in Children
The appendix can also afflict children and even babies. In children and infants early diagnosis is difficult, moreover if impinge on children, the risk becomes greater as more and younger patients, the greater the likelihood of complications in surgical tear. Thus, it would be better to prevent these diseases afflict your child.
By knowing the symptoms of appendicitis early on, you will more easily take immediate action in order to appendicitis is not protracted.

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